OAuth 2.0


Speakap clients use OAuth 2.0 to authenticate themselves with the API. In order to perform an API request, an access token is required. This document describes how to obtain an access token and provides a small example in how to use it.

Acquiring access and/or refresh tokens


In order to get an access token, there are three possible scenarios:

  1. If you want to perform server-to-server requests and don’t need an access token that is tied to a specific user profile, just follow the documentation for server-to-server authentication
  2. If you want to perform client-to-server requests or need an access token that is tied to a specific user profile (for example, to query that user’s profile information), you should follow the OAuth2 authorization flow.
  3. For applications provided by Speakap itself (first-party applications), it is allowed to get the access token and refresh token directly from the user credentials.

This page will only focus on the second and third scenarios.

Initiating the OAuth2 authorization flow

In order to retrieve an access token that is tied to a specific user profile, you need to initiate the OAuth 2.0 authorization flow through a redirect. The user will then be given the choice to accept the authorization after which he or she will be redirected back to your application. When the user is redirected back to your application, you will receive an authorization code (assuming the user accepted the authorization) which you can use to request the access token through a server-to-server request to the Speakap authenticator.

But before you can do anything, it is important that you know the subdomain (and later the EID) of the Speakap network that you will be using to authenticate against. How you choose the network to use is outside of the scope of this document. Now, assuming you have the right information, let’s start by redirecting the user to the authorization flow.

The user should be redirected to the following URL:


The various parameters in this URL have the following meaning:

Parameter Description
client_id Your App EID.
redirect_uri The URL to which to redirect after the user has accepted or denied the authorization. This must be a URL belonging to your application and it must be whitelisted in your application’s manifest.
scope The scope which defines which resources you will be allowed access to. It is a space-separated list of scopes, though currently we only support a single scope value: profile.basic.read (gives access to a user’s EID, name and avatar, job title and preferred language).
state A randomly generated state. This state will be passed back to you when the user is redirected back to your application at which point you should confirm the state matches the state you initially passed to guarantee the request belongs to an authorization flow that was initiated by yourself.

Once the user has accepted or denied the authorization request, he or she will be redirected back to your application to the given redirect_uri. At this point you will always receive the given state parameter that you specified yourself and which you can use to verify that you initiated the request (as well as to identify the returning user). In addition, you will receive a code parameter if the user accepted your authorization request which contains the authorization code that you can use to request your access token. If the user declined the request (or if an error occurred), you will receive an error parameter and optionally an error_description parameter.

The possible values of the error parameter, as well as other, more in-depth information, can be found in the OAuth 2.0 RFC.

Once you are in possession of an authorization code and have verified the state was correct, you can retrieve your access token using the following request:




Request body

Name Description
grant_type authorization_code
code The authorization code received after the redirect.
client_id Unique encoded identifier designating the client.
client_secret Encoded secret identifying the client.


Successful authorization: returns an Access token object. Note that the access token has no expiration date, but may at any time be revoked by the user.
Invalid request: returns an Error object

Using the access token

To perform an API request, clients need to pass along a valid access token to authenticate themselves with the Speakap API. This can be done either by including an Authorization Bearer header, or by passing the access_token parameter with every API request.

For example, assuming your access token is “f4k3_t0k3n_str1ng”, you can perform the following request:

$ curl https://api.speakap.io/networks/053ecd475a000f30/ -H "Authorization: Bearer f4k3_t0k3n_str1ng"
    "_links": {
        "self": {
            "href": "/networks/053ecd475a000f30/"
        "emblem": {
            "href": "/networks/053ecd475a000f30/messages/053f0e65ab05a950/"
        "userProfile": {
            "href": "/networks/053ecd475a000f30/users/053f0e64ac194e3d/"
    "type": "network",
    "EID": "053ecd475a000f30",
    "name": "Speakap",
    "subdomain": "speakap",
    "description": "",
    "emblemThumbnailUrl": "https://speakap.speakap.com/files/053f0e65ab05a950/thumbnail",
    "subscription": { "type": "premium", "since":"2013-09-18T17:54:37.550+00:00" }

Or alternatively:

$ curl https://api.speakap.io/networks/053ecd475a000f30/?access_token=f4k3_t0k3n_str1ng
{ ... }

Retrieving tokens using user credentials

This method of retrieving access and refresh tokens is only supported for first-party Speakap applications. The access token you will receive is ready to use (see Using the access token), but only valid for a short amount of time (typically one hour), so care needs to be taken to refresh it before it expires (see Refreshing access token).




Request body

Name Description
grant_type password
username Username credential part designating the resource owner
password Password credential part identifying the resource owner
client_id Unique encoded identifier designating the client
client_secret Encoded secret identifying the client


Successful authorization: returns an Access token object
Invalid request: returns an Error object

Refreshing access token


Access tokens are valid for a much shorter time period than refresh tokens (typically one hour). To request a new access token with a valid refresh token, you can use the refresh_token grant type.




Request body

Name Description
grant_type refresh_token
refresh_token Resource owner’s unique refresh token
client_id Unique encoded identifier designating the client
client_secret Encoded secret identifying the client


Successful authorization: returns an Access token object
Invalid request: returns an Error object