Network Resource

A network is a group of people, licensed under the same subscription, identified by a unique name, subdomain and/or emblem.



  • Added numAdminAlerts metadata.


  • Added Network theme for branding purposes.


  • Added language property.
  • Added theme.loginBackgroundUrls property.


  • Added emailDeliveryFormat property.


  • Added member metadata.


  • Added numUnreadAlertsCoalesced property.


  • Added marketEnabled property.
  • Added rootFolder relation.


  • Added hasExternalMembers property.


  • Added theme.groupHeaderBackgroundUrl and theme.userHeaderBackgroundUrl properties.


  • Added _user.accessPreconditions property.
  • Added endpoint to accept Terms of Service.


  • Added defaultPrimaryEmailPrivacySetting property.


  • Added speakapDomain property.
  • Added baseUrl property.
  • Added host-info relation.


  • Added appDistributorEnabled property.


  • Added whitelabelApps relation.


  • Multiple themes have been introduced. Network theme management moved to separate resource.




Name Type Description
baseUrl string Base URL to the network document root, for example: ""
conditionsAccepted boolean Whether or not the Speakap terms & conditions have been accepted
created boolean Read-only Date the network was created (ISO 8601 compliant)
defaultPrimaryEmailPrivacySetting string Since 1.3.5 Default visibility setting of a user’s primary email address:only_me or network
description string Description
EID EID Unique entity identifier
emailDeliveryFormat string Since 1.0.9 Delivery format of outbound emails: plain_text, rich_html or multi_text_html
emblemThumbnailUrl URI File URL to network emblem or logo graphic
hasExternalMembers boolean Since 1.0.23 Read-only Whether external users are member of the network
language string Since 1.0.4 Network-wide (default) language (RFC 5646)
marketEnabled boolean Since 1.0.13 Read-only Whether or not the Speakap application Market is enabled for this network
name string Network name
speakapDomain string Read-only Domain where the network resides (e.g.,
subdomain string Read-only Subdomain
subscription object Speakap subscription details
subscription. since datetime Date when the network was created (ISO 8601 compliant)
subscription. type string Subscription type: free, premium or enterprise
theme object

Since 1.0.3 Branding preferences

Since 1.7.4 Read-only Network theme resource

type string “network”
welcomeMessage string Welcome message for network users
customAgreementEnabled boolean Since 1.6.5 Read-only Feature flag: whether Terms And Conditions feature enabled for this network
legalSettingsEnabled boolean Since 1.7.1 Read-only Feature flag: whether Privacy Statement and Legal Notice features enabled for this network
termsAndConditionsEnabled boolean Since 1.7.1 Whether Terms and Conditions enabled
privacyStatementEnabled boolean Since 1.7.1 Whether Privacy Statement enabled
legalNoticeEnabled boolean Since 1.7.1 Whether Legal Notice enabled
terms object Since 1.6.5 Terms And Conditions object
terms. version string Since 1.6.5 Read-only Terms And Conditions version
terms. name string Since 1.6.5 Terms And Conditions name
terms. body string Since 1.6.5 Terms And Conditions html body
terms. url string Since 1.6.5 Read-only Terms And Conditions public url
terms. acceptRequired boolean Since 1.6.5 Write-only Whether current user must accept this version of Terms And Conditions
privacyStatement object Since 1.7.1 Privacy Statement object
privacyStatement. version string Since 1.7.1 Read-only Privacy Statement version
privacyStatement. name string Since 1.7.1 Privacy Statement name
privacyStatement. body string Since 1.7.1 Privacy Statement html body
privacyStatement. url string Since 1.7.1 Read-only Privacy Statement public url
privacyStatement. acceptRequired boolean Since 1.7.1 Write-only Whether current user must accept this version of Privacy Statement
legalNotice object Since 1.7.1 Legal Notice object
legalNotice. name string Since 1.7.1 Legal Notice name
legalNotice. body string Since 1.7.1 Legal Notice html body
legalNotice. url string Since 1.7.1 Read-only Legal Notice public url

End-user Metadata (read-only)

Name Type Description
numAdminAlerts integer Since 1.0.2 Number of alerts the user has not yet responded to
numUnreadAlerts integer Number of unread alerts
numUnreadAlertsCoalesced integer Since 1.0.11 Number of unread alerts after coalescing
numUnreadConversations integer Number of unread conversations
numUnreadNewsItems integer Number of unread news items
member boolean Since 1.0.5 Whether the logged in user is member of the network
permissions string List of permissions the logged in user has in this network
profileEID EID Unique entity identifier of the network profile of the logged in user
accessPreconditions array Since 1.2 Zero or more preconditions that have not been met and prevent full access to Speakap and its API

Access preconditions

Name Type Description
type string activate_account, accept_network_invitation, accept_privacy_statement, accept_terms_of_service, complete_network_registration, reset_temporary_password
url URI Arbitrary URL where more information on the precondition can be found
data object Any data specific to the precondition
data. privacyStatementUrl string URL to the Privacy Statement
data. privacyStatementVersion string Privacy Statement version number
data. privacyStatementName string Custom name of the Privacy Statement
data. termsOfUseUrl string URL to the Terms of Use
data. termsOfUseVersion string Terms of Use version number
data. invitationType string email or printable


    "_links": {
        "self": {
            "href": "/networks/1234567890abcdef/"
        "apps": {
            "href": "/networks/1234567890abcdef/apps/"
        "emblem": {
            "href": "/networks/1234567890abcdef/messages/abcdef0123456789/"
        "hostInfo": {
            "href": "/host-info/?network=1234567890abcdef"
        "rootFolder": {
            "href": "/networks/1234567890abcdef/messages/abcdef9876543210/"
        "whitelabelApps": [
                "href": "/networks/1234567890abcdef/messages/a1b2c3d4e5f67890/",
                "name": "TeamConnect Talk"
    "_user": {
        "profileEID": "0a1b2c3d4e5f6789",
        "member": true,
        "numAdminAlerts": 4,
        "numUnreadAlerts": 0,
        "numUnreadAlertsCoalesced": 0,
        "numUnreadConversations": 2,
        "numUnreadNewsItems": 0,
        "permissions": "edit_network,edit_network_settings,delete_message,post_news,post_to_network",
        "accessPreconditions": [{
            "type": "accept_terms_of_use",
            "url": "",
            "data": {
                "privacyStatementUrl": "",
                "privacyStatementVersion": "1.0",
                "termsOfUseUrl": "",
                "termsOfUseVersion": "1.0"
    "EID": "1234567890abcdef",
    "conditionsAccepted": true,
    "name": "Acme Inc.",
    "subdomain": "acme",
    "marketEnabled": false,
    "description": "Speakap network for Acme Incorporated",
    "welcomeMessage": "Welcome to our network!",
    "emblemUrl": "",
    "subscription": {
        "type": "free",
        "since": "2013-04-11T13:35:07.123+01:00"
    "theme": {
        "buttonColor": "#FF0000",
        "headerColor": "#00FF00",
        "linkColor": "#0000FF",
        "backgroundUrl": "",
        "loginBackgroundUrls": [ ],
        "groupHeaderBackgroundUrl": "",
        "userHeaderBackgroundUrl": ""
    "language": "en",
    "emailDeliveryFormat": "rich_html",
    "appDistributorEnabled": false,
    "legalSettingsEnabled": true,
    "customAgreementEnabled": true,
    "termsAndConditionsEnabled": true,
    "privacyStatementEnabled": true,
    "legalNoticeEnabled": true,
    "terms": {
        "version": "1.0",
        "name": "Acme Terms and Conditions",
        "url": ""
    "privacyStatement": {
        "version": "1.0",
        "name": "Acme Privacy Statement",
        "url": ""
    "legalNotice": {
        "name": "Acme Legal Notice",
        "url": ""