Name Type Description
numAdminAlerts integer Since 1.0.2 Number of alerts the user has not yet responded to
numUnreadAlerts integer Number of unread alerts
numUnreadAlertsCoalesced integer Since 1.0.11 Number of unread alerts after coalescing
numUnreadConversations integer Number of unread conversations
numUnreadNewsItems integer Number of unread news items
member boolean Since 1.0.5 Whether the logged in user is member of the network
permissions string List of permissions the logged in user has in this network
profileEID EID Unique entity identifier of the network profile of the logged in user
accessPreconditions array Since 1.2 Zero or more preconditions that have not been met and prevent full access to Speakap and its API

Access preconditionsΒΆ

Name Type Description
type string activate_account, accept_network_invitation, accept_privacy_statement, accept_terms_of_service, complete_network_registration, reset_temporary_password
url URI Arbitrary URL where more information on the precondition can be found
data object Any data specific to the precondition
data. privacyStatementUrl string URL to the Privacy Statement
data. privacyStatementVersion string Privacy Statement version number
data. privacyStatementName string Custom name of the Privacy Statement
data. termsOfUseUrl string URL to the Terms of Use
data. termsOfUseVersion string Terms of Use version number
data. invitationType string email or printable