Create Knowledge Base Category
- URI: /networks/{networkEID}/knowledge-base/categories/
- Method: POST
- Content-Type: application/json
- Authentication: OAuth 2.0
Name | Type | Description |
networkEID | EID | Network EID |
Request Body
Supply a complete knowledge base category resource in the request body.
Name | Type | Description |
title | string | Title of the category. It's a required field. |
description | string | The description of the category. It's a required field. |
iconType | string | The type of the icon of the category. It's a required field. |
iconColor | string | The color of the icon of the category. It's a required field and it's a hexadecimal value. Ex: #ff0000 |
parentKnowledgeBaseCategoryEID | EID | The parent of the category. It's only provided if the client is creating a subcategory. |
coverImage | messageIdentity | A cover image for the category. It's optional. If not set, the default cover image is used. |
coverImage.EID | EID | EID of the uploaded file |
coverImage.type | string | message |
groups | array | List of groups objects. If not passed, the category/subcategory is created for the whole network. |
groups[i].EID | EID | EID of the group |
groups[i].type | string | The value must be group |
Example (knowledge base category)
"title": "KB Category",
"description": "Category description",
"iconType": "book",
"iconColor": "#ff0000",
"coverImage": [
{"EID": "e000000000000003", "type": "message"}
"groups": [
{"EID": "e000000000000001", "type": "group"},
{"EID": "e000000000000002", "type": "group"}