Knowledge Base Category Resource

A knowledge base category is a category created in the context of the knowledge base.

Knowledge Base SubCategory Resource

A knowledge base subcategory is a subcategory created in the context of the knowledge base. The subcategory is optional and belongs to a category.


  • Added audienceType property to the category. The value can be 'network' or 'group'.
  • Added numAudience property to our knowledge base categories.
  • Added numArticles property to our knowledge base categories.
  • Added numSubArticles property to our knowledge base categories.
  • Added numSubcategories property to our knowledge base categories.



JSON Properties

EIDEIDUnique entity identifier
parentKnowledgeBaseCategoryEIDEIDUnique entity identifier of the parent category, if applicable.
titlestringThe title of the category
descriptionstringThe description of the category
iconTypestringThe type of the icon of the category
iconColorstringThe hexadecimal value of the icon color.
coverImageUrlstringThe url of the cover image.
audienceTypestringThe Type of the audience. Could be group or network.
numAudienceintThe number of audience. In case of network, it's always 1.
numArticlesintThe number of articles that belongs to this category.
numSubArticlesintThe number of sub-articles that belongs to this category.
numSubCategoriesintThe number of sub-categories that belongs to this category.

Example (category)

    "_links": {
        "groups": {
            "href": "/networks/0000000000000001/groups/?eid=1234567890ABCDEF"
        "self": {
            "href": "/networks/0000000000000001/knowledge-base/categories/1234567890FEDCAB/"
    "_embedded": {
        "groups": []
    "EID": "1234567890FEDCAB",
    "title": "KB Category",
    "description": "Category description",
    "iconType": "book",
    "iconColor": "#ff0000",
    "coverImageUrl": "",
    "audienceType": "network",
    "numAudiences": 1,
    "numArticles": 0,
    "numSubArticles": 0,
    "numSubcategories": 0