Update Knowledge Base Category


PUT https://api.speakap.io/networks/:eid/knowledge-base/categories/:eid/


  • URI: /networks/{networkEID}/knowledge-base/categories/{knowledgeBaseCategoryEID}
  • Method: PUT
  • Accept: application/vnd.speakap.api-v2025.0.5+json+hal
  • Authentication: OAuth 2.0


networkEIDEIDNetwork EID
parentKnowledgeBaseCategoryEIDEIDParent Knowledge Base Category EID

Request Body

Supply a knowledge base category resource in the request body.

titlestringTitle of the category.
descriptionstringThe description of the category.
iconTypestringThe type of the icon of the category.
iconColorstringThe color of the icon of the category.
parentKnowledgeBaseCategoryEIDEIDThe parent of the category. It's only provided if the client is editing a subcategory.
coverImagemessageIdentityA cover image for the category. If not set, the default cover image is used.
coverImage.EIDEIDEID of the uploaded file
groupsarrayList of groups objects. If not passed, the category/subcategory is edited for the whole network.
groups[i].EIDEIDEID of the group
groups[i].typestringThe value must be group

Example (knowledge base category)

    "title": "KB Category",
    "description": "Category description",
    "iconType": "book",
    "iconColor": "#ff0000",
    "coverImage": [
      {"EID":  "e000000000000003", "type": "message"}
    "groups": [
      {"EID": "e000000000000001", "type": "group"},
      {"EID": "e000000000000002", "type": "group"}


200Accepted for editions: returns a Feedback object
400Invalid data: returns an Error object
401Unauthorized: returns an Error object
403Forbidden: returns an Error object
404Resource not found: returns an Error object