Error Response


JSON Properties

codeintegerSpeakap API error code
messagestringSpeakap API error message


    "message":"Insufficient privileges"

Error Codes

HTTP StatusCodeMessageDescription
400-1Invalid RequestThe request is missing a required parameter, includes an unsupported parameter or parameter value, repeats the same parameter, uses more than one method for including an access token, or is otherwise malformed.
401-2Invalid TokenThe access token provided is expired, revoked, malformed, or invalid for other reasons.
403-3Insufficient ScopeThe request requires higher privileges than provided by the access token.
404-4Not FoundUnknown resource.
500-5Internal Server ErrorAn unexpected server-side error occurred.
400-6Unknown Email AddressThe supplied email address does not belong to any registered Speakap user.
400-7Unexpected PasswordA password was submitted to a /join or /activate call while it was not expected (the account was already activated).
400-8Invalid Email AddressAn email address was expected, but the given value was not a properly formatted email address.
409-9Already MemberA user was invited for a network or group, or tried to join a group, but s/he is already a member.
410-10GoneThe requested resource is gone or in the process of being deleted.
409-11Request RevokedThe requested resource has already been denied or revoked.
403-12Only AdminNot allowed to leave the group or network because the member is the only administrator.
410-13Stale AlertThe alert is associated with a group that no longer exists.
403-14Incorrect PasswordThe given password does not match.
403-15Primary Email Address In UseThe primary email address chosen by the user is already in use
400-16Embed URL FailedThe URL specified in the embed could not be fetched
409-17Group Name In UseThe group name is already in use
409-18Role Name In UseThe role name is already in use
400-19Group RequiredThe request cannot be satisfied without specifying a group
403-20Stray User PreventedThe request would've resulted in a user without access to the network content nor to any group.
409-21No Stray UserThe requested resolution cannot be performed because the request would not have resulted in a stray user.
400-22Invalid Destination FolderThe specified destination is invalid (does not exist, equals the source folder or is a subfolder of one of the files to move).
403-23Folder Limit ExceededThe parent folder or destination folder would contain too many subfolders as a result of this action.
409-24Not A MemberA user was attempted to be removed from a group, but s/he was not a member.
409-25Department Already UsedThe business unit already contains a local department connected to the given department.
409-26Label Name Already In UseA label with that name already exists.
400-27No RecipientsThe message doesn't appear to have any recipients.
400-28Virus DetectedThe uploaded file was flagged by our virus scanner.
409-29XID Already In UseThe user profile XID is already in use.
409-30Whitelabel Name In UseThe whitelabel app name is already in use.
400-31Account Not ActivatedCannot fulfill request, because user is not yet activated.
N/A-32SSO Authentication FailedAuthentication failure during Single Sign On.
403-33TOS Not AcceptedThe (latest) Speakap Terms of Service have not yet been accepted.
4xx-34Accept TOS FailureServer was not able to accept Speakap Terms of Service.
4xx-45Accept Privacy Statement FailureServer was not able to mark Privacy Statement as viewed.
N/A-1000No ConnectionClient cannot reach the server (never generated by the server, indication of timeout).
N/A-1001Unexpected ReplyClient does not understand server response (never generated by the server, possible indication of client/server incompatibility)
N/A-1002Refresh Token ExpiredClient won't attempt to refresh the access token because the refresh token is expired.
N/A-1003Invalid URLUser has navigated to a URL not recognized by the client.
N/A-1004Invalid CredentialsClient-side code for when the OAuth server has issued an "invalid_grant" error in response to a username/password sign-in.